PARTE XVI - Amarillo

Heart-me furious. Shutmecontrol.

jueves, 3 de enero de 2013


Part of it is about not trying to be professional. Like a lot of people come into indie games trying to be like a big company. What those game companies do is create highly polished things that serve as large of an audience as possible. The way that you do that is by filing off all the bumps on something. There's a sharp corner, you make sure that it's not gonna hurt anybody if they bump into it or wathever. That creation of this highly glossy comercial product is the opposite of making something personal. Things that are personal have flaws, they have vulnerabilities. If you don't see a vulnerability in somebody, you're probably not relating to them at a very personal level. So it's the same with the game design. You know, making it was about: "Let me take my deepest flaws and vulnerabilities and put them in the game. And let's see what happens."

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